Annual Update 2022

Annual Update 2022
Neon AI Annual Update – 2022
For companies who want to adopt voice technology in 2022

  • Voice Applications * New Partnership * Open Source * New Tools
  • New Skills * Work Instructions * Private & On Premises​

CIO Review Neon AI Best Conversational AI
​* A Year of New Voice Applications

Neon AI is both an open source voice AI development platform, and a full service software development and support company, to develop your conversational computer applications.

Can your company utilize computer voice interactions? Will your company’s employees and customers benefit from a voice interface to company information? The Neon AI conversational platform is flexible and can be integrated with chatbots and forums, using voice and text.

Can your in-house software department use a head start with open source code – and the guidance of seasoned conversational software developers with mature development tools? We’ll be pleased to discuss your application and give you access to the Neon AI GitHub repositories.

  • A New Partnership

Neon AI is pleased to announce that we have become the first authorized “Mycroft AI Channel Partner”.

As a Mycroft AI Channel Partner, Neon AI is a recommended source for voice applications and development services, including adding conversation to healthcare and industrial work instruction systems, kiosks for ready access to information. Much of our company’s work includes Mycroft.AI open source software.

  • Why Open Source Software?

Neon AI is an open source corporate solution that is available for your customization. In perpetuity.

Joshua Montgomery of Mycroft AI gives a clear example of why Open Source Software is an excellent choice for business continuity. Cozmo Open Software Saves the Day (

  • New Tools

Think Amazon Alexa and Google Home, but with open source software available for your customization. Then think on-device and on-premises data privacy with our new Diana backend server.

Neon AI recently added support for Docker Containers and Kubernetes Orchestration. Users can now automate the distribution, deployment and updating of Neon AI applications.

Neon AI now supports the Mycroft AI Mark 2 and other Raspberry Pi devices. Is your company interested in maintaining voice privacy? The Mycroft AI Mark 2 is a complete “edge device” capable of being a customized personal assistant for a range of applications from healthcare or retirement facilities to production lines and shop floors. The Mark 2 features a microphone array for quality voice recognition and full wireless and ethernet capabilities.

Mark 2 Mycroft

  • Checkout the Neon AI Chatbots Forum

Neon AI hosts chatbot developers on our website,, which combines humans and chatbots in conversations on forums using voice and text. Chatbots Forum provides a complete chat environment with an API for chatbots, facilitator bots and humans to participate. Coming in 2022 is a “competitive arena model” with loyalty tokens, user rewards, and other incentives for reaching conversational and collaborative goals.

  • Some assembly required? Neon AI provides work instructions.

Would your company benefit from computer voice assisted assembly instructions? Coming in 2022, Neon AI will provide “conversation scripting tools” to efficiently manage assembly work instructions, for manufacturing work based on “Instructions from Examples”, with interactive computer aided audio and video instruction.

  • Are you interested in developing your own voice processing software?

The Neon AI expert team is available to help your company embrace Conversational AI for business productivity.

Neon AI is open source software that uses on-premises servers for full data privacy. Open source, combined with our expert development services and full IT support, will make your conversational AI development and deployment easier.

Are voiced applications important to your company’s productivity? Would you like to chat about your company’s potential applications of voice technology?

Please email me with a time you’d like to talk on-line, or send a brief write-up of your needs and I can get back to you on applying open source AI to your application development, or connect with us on LinkedIn.

Wishing you a successful 2022,

Elon Gasper, CTO
Neon AI
Elon Gasper
(206) 232-7200


Conversational Systems
Healthcare Solutions
Neon AI Developers
Neon AI Mycroft AI
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